Welcome to My Portfolio!

Based in Columbia, South Carolina. For over two decades, I have been specializing in website design and development, graphic design for both web and print media, conditional form and various document creations, accessibility focused and much more. My primary focus is on producing websites that are attractive, easy to understand, easy to navigate and rank well within search engines. My work has been recognized and utilized in a variety of sources worldwide.



A Small Sample of My Work

Web Designs

Branding, Graphics, Printed Materials



Contact Me




Senior Web Developer at UofSC

Rene was hired in our department during a major migration from static web to a WordPress CMS. She solely and effectively developed and implemented a full site template for our CMS, meeting all criteria given. She went on to successfully manage the CMS for many years.

Rene was a determined and capable employee who handled everything we needed. We were lucky to have her at such a demanding time and I’m certain she will provide similar results to those lucky enough to work with her in the future.

Laboratory Manager at USC Student Health Service

As the laboratory Manager I had to rely on Rene to make sure our web site content was accurate and up to date. She was always helpful and pleasant to work with. She was knowledgeable and resource for IT questions even outside of her assigned duties. In general, I would describe her as soft spoken, kind, and thoughtful. It was both a pleasure knowing and working with her.



Edvard Munch – Art History Expressionist

Social Media
